This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file ./zsh.texi. This is a texinfo version of the man page for the Z Shell, originally by Paul Falstad. It was converted from the `zsh.1' file distributed with zsh v2.5.0 by Jonathan Hardwick, `' and updated/modified by Clive Messer, `' to it's present state. File:, Node: Editor Functions Index, Next: Keystroke Index, Prev: Functions Index, Up: Top Editor Functions Index ********************** * Menu: * accept-and-hold: Miscellaneous. * accept-and-infer-next-history: Miscellaneous. * accept-and-menu-complete: Completion. * accept-line: Miscellaneous. * accept-line-and-down-history: Miscellaneous. * backward-char: Movement. * backward-delete-char: Modifying Text. * backward-delete-word: Modifying Text. * backward-kill-line: Modifying Text. * backward-kill-word: Modifying Text. * backward-word: Movement. * beginning-of-buffer-or-history: History Control. * beginning-of-history: History Control. * beginning-of-line: Movement. * beginning-of-line-hist: History Control. * capitalize-word: Modifying Text. * clear-screen: Miscellaneous. * complete-word: Completion. * copy-prev-word: Modifying Text. * copy-region-as-kill: Modifying Text. * delete-char: Modifying Text. * delete-char-or-list: Completion. * delete-word: Modifying Text. * describe-key-briefly: Miscellaneous. * digit-argument: Arguments. * down-case-word: Modifying Text. * down-history: History Control. * down-line-or-history: History Control. * down-line-or-search: History Control. * emacs-backward-word: Movement. * emacs-forward-word: Movement. * end-of-buffer-or-history: History Control. * end-of-history: History Control. * end-of-line: Movement. * end-of-line-hist: History Control. * exchange-point-and-mark: Miscellaneous. * execute-last-named-cmd: Miscellaneous. * execute-named-cmd: Miscellaneous. * expand-cmd-path: Completion. * expand-history: Completion. * expand-or-complete: Completion. * expand-or-complete-prefix: Completion. * expand-word: Completion. * forward-char: Movement. * forward-word: Movement. * get-line: Miscellaneous. * gosmacs-transpose-chars: Modifying Text. * history-beginning-search-backward: History Control. * history-beginning-search-forward: History Control. * history-incremental-search-backward: History Control. * history-incremental-search-forward: History Control. * history-search-backward: History Control. * history-search-forward: History Control. * infer-next-history: History Control. * insert-last-word: History Control. * kill-buffer: Modifying Text. * kill-line: Modifying Text. * kill-region: Modifying Text. * kill-whole-line: Modifying Text. * kill-word: Modifying Text. * list-choices: Completion. * list-expand: Completion. * magic-space: Completion. * menu-complete: Completion. * menu-expand-or-complete: Completion. * neg-argument: Arguments. * overwrite-mode: Modifying Text. * pound-insert: Miscellaneous. * push-input: Miscellaneous. * push-line: Miscellaneous. * push-line-or-edit: Miscellaneous. * quote-line: Modifying Text. * quote-region: Modifying Text. * quoted-insert: Modifying Text. * redisplay: Miscellaneous. * reverse-menu-complete: Completion. * run-help: Miscellaneous. * self-insert: Modifying Text. * self-insert-unmeta: Modifying Text. * send-break: Miscellaneous. * set-mark-command: Miscellaneous. * spell-word: Miscellaneous. * transpose-chars: Modifying Text. * transpose-words: Modifying Text. * undefined-key: Miscellaneous. * undo: Miscellaneous. * universal-argument: Arguments. * up-case-word: Modifying Text. * up-history: History Control. * up-line-or-history: History Control. * up-line-or-search: History Control. * vi-add-eol: Modifying Text. * vi-add-next: Modifying Text. * vi-backward-blank-word: Movement. * vi-backward-char: Movement. * vi-backward-delete-char: Modifying Text. * vi-backward-kill-word: Modifying Text. * vi-backward-word: Movement. * vi-beginning-of-line: Movement. * vi-caps-lock-panic: Miscellaneous. * vi-change: Modifying Text. * vi-change-eol: Modifying Text. * vi-change-whole-line: Modifying Text. * vi-cmd-mode: Miscellaneous. * vi-delete: Modifying Text. * vi-delete-char: Modifying Text. * vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line: Miscellaneous. * vi-down-line-or-history: History Control. * vi-end-of-line: Movement. * vi-fetch-history: History Control. * vi-find-next-char: Movement. * vi-find-next-char-skip: Movement. * vi-find-prev-char: Movement. * vi-find-prev-char-skip: Movement. * vi-first-non-blank: Movement. * vi-forward-blank-word: Movement. * vi-forward-blank-word-end: Movement. * vi-forward-char: Movement. * vi-forward-word: Movement. * vi-forward-word-end: Movement. * vi-goto-column: Movement. * vi-goto-mark: Movement. * vi-goto-mark-line: Movement. * vi-history-search-backward: History Control. * vi-history-search-forward: History Control. * vi-indent: Modifying Text. * vi-insert: Modifying Text. * vi-insert-bol: Modifying Text. * vi-join: Modifying Text. * vi-kill-eol: Modifying Text. * vi-kill-line: Modifying Text. * vi-match-bracket: Modifying Text. * vi-open-line-above: Modifying Text. * vi-open-line-below: Modifying Text. * vi-oper-swap-case: Modifying Text. * vi-pound-insert: Miscellaneous. * vi-put-after: Modifying Text. * vi-put-before: Modifying Text. * vi-quoted-insert: Modifying Text. * vi-repeat-change: Modifying Text. * vi-repeat-find: Movement. * vi-repeat-search: History Control. * vi-replace: Modifying Text. * vi-replace-chars: Modifying Text. * vi-rev-repeat-find: Movement. * vi-rev-repeat-search: History Control. * vi-set-buffer: Miscellaneous. * vi-set-mark: Miscellaneous. * vi-substitute: Modifying Text. * vi-swap-case: Modifying Text. * vi-undo-change: Miscellaneous. * vi-unindent: Modifying Text. * vi-yank: Modifying Text. * vi-yank-eol: Modifying Text. * vi-yank-whole-line: Modifying Text. * where-is: Miscellaneous. * which-command: Miscellaneous. * yank: Modifying Text. * yank-pop: Modifying Text. File:, Node: Keystroke Index, Prev: Editor Functions Index, Up: Top Keystroke Index *************** * Menu: * ": Miscellaneous. * #: Miscellaneous. * $: Movement. * %: Modifying Text. * ': Movement. * +: History Control. * ,: Movement. * .: Modifying Text. * /: History Control. * 0: Miscellaneous. * 1: Arguments. * 9: Arguments. * ;: Movement. * <: Modifying Text. * =: Completion. * >: Modifying Text. * ?: History Control. * ^: Movement. * `: Movement. * A: Modifying Text. * B: Movement. * c: Modifying Text. * CTRL-? <1>: Modifying Text. * CTRL-?: Movement. * CTRL-@: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-[: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-_: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-A: Movement. * CTRL-B: Movement. * CTRL-D: Completion. * CTRL-E: Movement. * CTRL-F: Movement. * CTRL-G <1>: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-G: Completion. * CTRL-H <1>: Modifying Text. * CTRL-H: Movement. * CTRL-J: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-K: Modifying Text. * CTRL-L: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-M: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-N: History Control. * CTRL-O: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-P: History Control. * CTRL-Q: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-Q CTRL-V: Modifying Text. * CTRL-R <1>: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-R: History Control. * CTRL-S: History Control. * CTRL-T: Modifying Text. * CTRL-U: Modifying Text. * CTRL-V: Modifying Text. * CTRL-W: Modifying Text. * CTRL-X *: Completion. * CTRL-X CTRL-B: Modifying Text. * CTRL-X CTRL-F: Movement. * CTRL-X CTRL-J: Modifying Text. * CTRL-X CTRL-K: Modifying Text. * CTRL-X CTRL-N: History Control. * CTRL-X CTRL-O: Modifying Text. * CTRL-X CTRL-U: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-X CTRL-V: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-X CTRL-X: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-X g: Completion. * CTRL-X r: History Control. * CTRL-X s: History Control. * CTRL-X u: Miscellaneous. * CTRL-Y: Modifying Text. * CTRL-Z: Jobs & Signals. * d: Modifying Text. * E: Movement. * ESC CTRL-G: Miscellaneous. * ESC-!: Completion. * ESC-": Modifying Text. * ESC-$: Miscellaneous. * ESC-': Modifying Text. * ESC-: Arguments. * ESC-.: History Control. * ESC-0: Arguments. * ESC-9: Arguments. * ESC-<: History Control. * ESC->: History Control. * ESC-?: Miscellaneous. * ESC-[A: History Control. * ESC-[B: History Control. * ESC-[C: Movement. * ESC-[D: Movement. * ESC-_: History Control. * ESC-A: Miscellaneous. * ESC-B: Movement. * ESC-C: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-?: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-_: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-D: Completion. * ESC-CTRL-H: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-I: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-J: Modifying Text. * ESC-CTRL-L: Miscellaneous. * ESC-CTRL-M: Modifying Text. * ESC-D: Modifying Text. * ESC-F: Movement. * ESC-G: Miscellaneous. * ESC-H: Miscellaneous. * ESC-L: Modifying Text. * ESC-N: History Control. * ESC-P: History Control. * ESC-Q: Miscellaneous. * ESC-S: Miscellaneous. * ESC-SPACE: Completion. * ESC-T: Modifying Text. * ESC-U: Modifying Text. * ESC-W: Modifying Text. * ESC-x: Miscellaneous. * ESC-y: Modifying Text. * ESC-z: Miscellaneous. * ESC-|: Movement. * f: Movement. * G: History Control. * h: Movement. * i: Modifying Text. * J: Modifying Text. * j: History Control. * k: History Control. * l: Movement. * m: Miscellaneous. * n: History Control. * O: Modifying Text. * P: Modifying Text. * R: Modifying Text. * S: Modifying Text. * SPACE: Movement. * t: Movement. * TAB: Completion. * u: Miscellaneous. * W: Movement. * X: Modifying Text. * y: Modifying Text. * |: Movement. * ~: Modifying Text.